Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a meme created at the blog of the same name that poses a different question about reading each week.

This week’s questions is: Have you ever read a random book left in a waiting room or on a park bench, etc., and did you like it?

The closest I’ve come is the time that I was browsing the free shelf at a local bookstore and came across a hardcover sans dust jacket. The dark green book gave no indication of what it was about, and I’d never heard of the author, but something about it made me decide to take it home. It wound up being a wonderful, modern-day (now seventies-era) gothic tale by an author who promised to fill the void left by my having finished all of Victoria Holt’s books. The Golden Unicorn by Phyllis A. Whitney hasn’t quite lived up to my memories of it on rereads, but it will always hold a special place in my heart regardless.

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