Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday is a meme created at the blog of the same name that poses a different question about reading each week.

This week’s question is: What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up reading a book? Is staying up late reading a usual thing for you?

Courtesy of Karen Marie Moning

I’m the type of person who, having started a book, has a compulsion to see it through to the end. Interrupt me while I am reading and I am liable to grow horns and spout fire in your general direction. Knowing this, I try to make it a habit not to start a book so late in the day that I will be up until ungodly hours in the morning trying to finish it before I fall asleep. As a student, sleep is an unfortunate but crucial necessity.

But when I started the Fever series on a Friday night earlier this year, I didn’t know at the time that I had unleashed a force that would overtake my life for the ensuing weekend. I read Darkfever on Friday, started Bloodfever on Saturday afternoon, continued onto Faefever that evening, frantically reached for Dreamfever around eleven o’clock that night, and reluctantly closed it to go to bed around two thirty in the morning. I was up again at eight to finish the fourth book and rush out to buy Shadowfever, which I finished at seven o’clock on Sunday.

My obsessive book reading habit might not be the most productive or healthy use of my time, but I doubt it is going away any time soon, and so I embrace it.

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